Author profile

David Erdos

David Erdos

Actor, Director, Lecturer

The writer of over 200 plays for stage and screen, David Erdos is an actor, director, and lecturer with over 30 years professional experience. He is a published poet, critic and illustrator, lead reviewer for The International Times and Literary Editor for MU magazine. He has collaborated with a number of major cultural figures including Harold Pinter, Henry Woolf, Snoo Wilson, Chris Petit, Alan Moore, Pete Brown, Steve Hackett and Iain Sinclair, in whose book The Last London, he features. David’s close friendship with Heathcote Williams led to a number of projects, most notably his direction of Killing Kit at The Cockpit Theatre, London, where he was also writer in residence for ten years. David has led drama and acting departments for performing arts schools and colleges across the UK and Europe and worked with a wide range of production companies from Liverpool Playhouse, Everyman and Unity Theatres, to the BBC. He is a former creative practitioner for Save the Children and the Arts Council of England and a previous winner of the Peggy Ramsay Foundation award. His books Easy Verses for Difficult Times, Oil on Silver, The Scar on the Cloud, Changing Places with Light, He Was and News From Mars are available from Penniless Press and Amazon. And his collaboration with the photographer Max Reeves, Byzantium is published by Entropy Press.

David’s one man show, His Last Cabaret:  On the life, legacy and afterlife of Lenny Bruce played at the Edinburgh festival in 1994 and was revived 25 years later at the Cockpit in September 2019 to great acclaim. In 2021 his debut album Between Bright Worlds was released by Youth and Renato Roversi’s Suriya Recordings.

David Erdos is a vital part of our 21st century counter-cultural connectome, skittering across the literary landscape like a bead of mercury and leaving freshly-soldered synaptic linkages in his wake. If it’s a matter of importance, synthesis, or beauty, then Erdos is there to document, dissect and celebrate: an enthralling chatterbox of the human condition.

Alan Moore

‘David Erdos is the good detective, out there, on the move, on the case. He is a positive energy, a sympathetic reporter and recorder. Follow him.’

Iain Sinclair

As psycho-geographer of the zeitgeist David Erdos has a rich hinterland to draw upon, being himself poet, actor, director, composer, illustrator, musician and critic. The reader soon learns that the writer is well informed on very many levels and that he’s in safe hands for what proves to be a rewarding, penetrating and often breath-taking ride.

Heathcote Williams

Counterculture becomes even more important in these times of no cultural margins and constant erasure, making its dwindling list of commentators all the more crucial. 

There is no questioning the importance of David Erdos’ contribution as he includes me in his canon. Quite possibly the greatest living cultural commentator since Cyril Connolly!                                         

Chris Petit

OMG! You all need to read this. David Erdos has reviewed I Need a Change as a poem and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read!

Joe Payne

David Erdos has a unique talent and a special way with words….

Steve Hackett