Bid for Success
Bid for Success takes you through the main components of bidding or tendering for contracts. It considers markets, teams, finance, how to construct a proposal, together with practical tips on how to handle the internal politics of your organisation and also the expectations of customers and clients. It addresses all of the key issues you need to consider when constructing a successful bid, including even bid bonds, EBITDA and IRR, two tricky devils, and how to deal with in-house lawyers, which should stand you in good stead as you make your way through the bid jungle. Chapters dedicated to team building and preparation and delivery of presentations give practical guidance that you may ignore at your peril, if you want to be a successful bidder and build a career, or at least part of a career, in this particular competitive space. In less than an hour you will have the main framework to enable you to bid for success and a continuing resource throughout the process.