Feel the Fear and Pack Anyway

Both Phil and his wife, Jane, had reached a stage in their lives where they wanted to do something and they decided against all the odds to have a silver gap year – going round the world together in 284 days. Visiting countries in South America, islands in the Pacific, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, China, Mongolia and Russia they came back to the UK with a changed perception of life and opportunities. “Feel the Fear and Pack Anyway” is a record of their journey – but more than that it is a personal guide to taking a real adventure, full of sage, hard won advice, insights and touching moments that illustrate that however reckless it might seem, it’s something that will reward and invigorate the silver gap year traveller. Easy to read and with enough pitfalls to make anyone doubt the wisdom of doing such a thing, it is nonetheless a real encouragement to take the plunge – and just pack and go.

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