Meet Our Authors – No.5 John Mair

Meet our Authors An occasional series – No.5 John Mair Julian Costley, CEO & publisher at Bite-Sized Books, interviews some of our authors to provide further background to their books and to their approach to writing. And a little ‘behind-the-scenes’ glimpse...

Meet Our Authors – No.4  Farrokh Suntook

Julian Costley, CEO & publisher at Bite-Sized Books, interviews some of our authors to provide further background to their books and to their approach to writing. And a little ‘behind-the-scenes’ glimpse of their life and influences. In this edition Julian talks...

Meet Our Authors – No.3 Yue He Parkinson

MEET OUR AUTHORS An occasional series – No.3 Yue He Parkinson Julian Costley, CEO & publisher at Bite-Sized Books, interviews some of our authors to provide further background to their books and to their approach to writing. And a little ‘behind-the-scenes’...

Welcome to our May 2024 newsletter

Uncorroborated rumours abound that the sun was spotted briefly in England over a few days so far in May. So, was that our Spring?  Never mind. Whatever the weather there’s always time to read a good book. So here’s news of our latest published books, those...

Welcome to our March 2024 newsletter

Welcome to our March 2024 newsletter Hot on the heels of our first edition of Meet Our Authors with author Paul Davies, we bring you a belated contribution to International Women’s Day; a spotlight on a small sample of our female authors. Clockwise from top...

Meet Our Authors – No.2 Atima Srivastava

Julian Costley, CEO & publisher at Bite-Sized Books, interviews some of our authors to provide further background to their books and to their approach to writing. And a little ‘behind-the-scenes’ glimpse of their life and influences! In this, the second of our...


John Redwood, a fellow of All Souls College Oxford and a well-known commentator on economics and politics has produced this latest book on the Green Revolution. Updating his previous work written ahead of COP 26 in Glasgow, he sets out the sheer magnitude of the...


Climate change and how to combat it will be one of the big wedge issues at the next UK General Election. There are plenty of good intentions and much enshrined in law following the various UN COP summits. How many of them will be jettisoned on the way to electoral...