Developing Personal Effectiveness in Business

In every meeting or interaction in business, whether it is one-to-one or one-to-many, whether it is a water cooler moment or a sales call, it is essential to realise not only how your opposite number understands what you are saying but also how to change the way you present your case so that they can understand you better. To become more effective in business you have to increase your personal effectiveness in communication. This Bite-Sized Business Book, Developing Personal Effectiveness for Business is an ideal introduction and guide to becoming more personally effective.

The book provides easy to read yet authoritative insights into improving your personal effectiveness, by helping you appreciate more clearly how other people think and perceive the world, how they listen and how they take on board the information you present them with. It also shows you how to assess your own ability to understand other people and influence them.

It distils twenty years of experience in sales, marketing, general management and on boards so that you can be sure of making the right impact. It is a step by step guide that concentrates on the results you want, whether that is increased influence or greater respect and everything in between.

This quotation from the book illustrates the difference this book can make, by looking at apparently obvious but often ignored parts of interactions:

“Essentially this book is about communication – as probably most books are. In this case, though, the focus is definitely not on what is said – or broadcast – but on what is heard or received. We all know how significant the difference is between speaking and hearing, but it is so easy to forget that what we say is not going to be understood in the way we meant it, and sometimes not understood at all.”

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